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Financial Sovereignty Academy
Week 1: Choose FinSov
Mainline: Forsake Foolishness, Declare War on Chaos, Choose #FinSov (24:23)
What Is Financial Foolishness? (Planned)
How Do We Declare War on Chaos? (Planned)
Psychological Barriers To Living A Financially Sovereign Life (Planned)
The Link Between Financial Sovereignty And Personal Well-Being (Planned)
Two Twin Enemies Of Financial Sovereignty (Chaos And Debt) (Planned)
Why People Fail With Money (Planned)
Week 2: Live on Less Than You Make
Mainline: Scored Earth Tactics (14:32)
Week 3: Maintain A Budget
Mainline: Maintain A Written Plan For Your Money (26:54)
Week 4: Save a $2,500 Starter Emergency Fund
Mainline: Save a $2,500 Starter Emergency Fund (19:24)
Why $2,500? (Planned)
How To Set Up Insurances (Planned)
Week 5: Declare War on Debt
Mainline: Declare War on Debt (30:33)
Week 6: Save A Fully Funded 3-6 Month Emergency Fund
Mainline: Save A Fully Funded 3-6 Month Emergency Fund (16:51)
How To Calculate The Size Of Your Emergency Fund (Planned)
Week 7: Invest 15% of Household Income for Retirement
Mainline: Invest 15% of Household Income For Retirement (21:20)
When to Stop Investing For Retirement (Planned)
Week 8: Pay Off Your House Early
Mainline: Pay Off Your House Early (Editing)
Why & How To Pay Off Your Home In Under 10 Years (Planned)
Week 9: Invest For Extra Wealth Generation
Mainline: Invest for Extra Wealth Generation (Editing)
Investing In Cryptocurrency (Editing)
Investing In Real Estate (Planned)
Week 10: Live #FinSov
Mainline: Live #FinSov: Give Massively, Invest Wisely, Live Joyfully (Planned)
How To Find True Joy Being Insanely Generous (Planned)
Update Log
November 30th, 2024
January 9th, 2025
February 26th 2025
Mainline: Save A Fully Funded 3-6 Month Emergency Fund
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